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Sustainable energy needs for controlled environment agric... Sustainable energy needs for controlled environment agriculture CEA. By 2050 the global population will be circa 50bn, food producers will need to increase produc...
Measure to Manage Find out how you’re performing now and you’ll know what to aim for. The measurement of carbon output across a farm may differ from location to location – taking r...
Which Technologies Would Help Grow Trust for Vertical Far... What does this webinar include? • The growth and evolution of the vertical farming industry and how awareness is increasing amongst consumers, investors and pol...
Select the Right Arable Technology and See Your Business ... What does this webinar include? • New technologies within the arable industry and how they promise to cut costs and boost yields. • Advances in fields including...
Putting Farmers in the Driving Seat: Supporting Innovatio... What does this webinar include? • DEFRA and their future plans to support agricultural R&D and their vision for farmer-led innovation. • Hear from successful re...
Technologies to Watch for Livestock Farmers | Farmers Weekly To what extent can new technologies coming to market help livestock farmers address these challenges? And which technologies are likely to have the biggest impact...
Agriwebb AgriWebb take a digital farm walk. This webinar focuses on the production of 100% grass-fed beef & lamb